Tuesday, January 2, 2007


KC weekend was pretty fun.

Started the road trip on Friday, (our proposed leave time was 12:00 or so, but after the girls got through with it, it was more like 3:00) with Diana, Jessica, and Nathan. We attempted to make good time but suffered great time losses due to heavy rain and hydro-planing, making decent conversation, and arrived at the city around 11:00pm. Drop the passengers off at Mark and Sarah's house, and I continued on to the Keesee's residence. A small amount of sabbath chatter and people began to leave and/or get ready for bed. Talked with Marshall till about 4am... funny that we need to meet up somewhere other than the house for a good talk.

Sabbath services were good, had to set up about 400 chairs and a slew of tables, but it felt good to be needed. Mr. Winnail told a few familiar stories, and once again, some of the subject matter that Marshall and I discussed before hand was addressed in the sermon. There was a potluck after, and the line looked about 3 miles long. At that, Peder and I went home for costumes and such.

The Cloud-fit was a hit, I definitely botched the hair, but hey, hes got some crazy hair. I wasn't really expecting that much attention, be it looks of concern from elderly folks followed by questions about the enormous sword, or mobbing by the younger crowds followed by, well, following. I'm no dancer, but I did want to do some slow songs with a few girls, and dancing with a sword that big is pretty stinking dangerous. The times that I didn't have my squire Nathan hold it, I would shove it behind my back laterally and dance like that. I nearly killed about 80 people on accident because they didn't notice the large protruding wooden thing from my back (no one was hit, thanks to my deft movements and sheer luck.) I regrettably have no pictures of my own, but I am counting on others who were eager to snap a few shots so that I can see how retarded I looked, as well as take a look at all the other costumes there. I was surprised, but Link and Zelda showed up, and we quickly formed a "video gamers coalition." Marshall changed into an ambiguous green tunic, and pranced around. I did some heel clicks. All was good in the world.

We went to Lori's place after everything and had a little bit of socializing. I don't like big crowds of people.

Basketball was great fun, even if I am no good at it. We should have at least gotten 3rd out of about 14 teams, but 4th is ok i guess. we just didn't have enough time together to make a good team. maybe I should've played volleyball.

Sunday night, we found out that Mr. Todd was in the hospital for a migraine that wouldn't go away, and we then planned to get out of town then, instead of on Monday.

All in all, it was a good weekend, had a lot of good conversations with people, and I think I'm actually starting to have some ties with people in the church. Its a good feeling.

Oh, and Mr. Todd is OK now. go ahead and pray for him anyways, though.


Steph said...

Oh how very much money I would give to see one photo of you toting that ginormous sword around. By the way, I'm sad I missed you when we were home, brother. Love and stuff.

Annette said...

Nasworthy, do me a favour? Could you change your display name to something other than "charlie" so we can know the difference between you and Charlie T.? :)

Charlie Nas said...

only if you never, ever spell it "favoUr" again.

Annette said...

Bah :)