Friday, February 16, 2007

FEAST or FAMINE.... Seriously

Ok so this happens every time. Pretty much with everything I do in life.

I now work for my friend Alex whenever I can, usually 2 days a week, and the rest is working construction and "facility management" (whatever that is) for my Dad. Alex has a friend looking for someone to help him with buying and selling cars on his dealer's license. Sound familiar? I'll end up doing something on a weekly basis with him too, probably.

So here are a few examples of this here feast or famine thing:
I had only had one girlfriend in highs chool. I didnt have any dates after that until Jessica came along. (about 3 years later)
when I was first starting to get interested in Jess, and her in me, about a slew (i didnt keep count) of women pounded down my door to see if i was available, and the list includes, but is not limited to: 2 girls from high school, a car show model (I'm not kidding, she called me and everything), a friends ex-girlfriend, my favorite restaurant's owner's daughter (half Japanese half Arabic! wow!), and other sporadically placed females. (there are more, i just cant remember how they knew me)

another example:
One semester i took off when i was 19 (after high school) led to me sitting around, no job, no nothing. The next semester I was in school and had 3 jobs. Military, Construction, and Goodyear Tires.

another: In high school, I had a 69 Camaro, 88 RX7, and a 95 B3000 (light truck) at my disposal, and just last year I didn't own a car for about 8 months. fun. biking isn't what its all cracked up to be.

yet another: I didnt drink a single drop of alcohol in high school despite all manner of peer pressure to the opposite. When I got back from military training, there was nothing else that touched my pallet.

So I don't know what it is God is trying to show me by having this funny tidal-like system around my life, but I'm looking hard to find what it is.

On a different note; I'm tired, and glad its the Sabbath.


Mikeesee said...

Been there, done that. Being a math nerd, I called it the Sine Wave Effect... Up, down, up, down. The same thing happens on people with bi-polar syndrome. In my case, I'd be all zealous one minute, or have money, or did what I wanted, and the next minute I'd be depressed, or in the doldrums, or poor or whatever. Then you hear a ton of advice and sermons about having balance in your life and simplifying it. So I decided to try and regulate the ups and downs a little more when I could. It takes work, especially during the "up" times, cuz they're so much fun, but it keeps the lows from getting too low. Make rules and boundaries for yourself where you see this occuring and you'll find that feast or famine can be a thing of the past.

Michael said...

A '69 Camaro? That's my dream car - along with any model Jeep Wrangler.